
You Are Invited To Join FAS!

If you want to join with professional and avocational archaeologists and others in efforts to preserve and protect our (pre)historic heritage, then join the Florida Anthropological Society (FAS) to achieve that goal.

If you are interested in archaeology, ethnology, physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and associated topics with a focus on Florida and surrounding areas in the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean, then The Florida Anthropologist, the journal of the Florida Anthropological Society, and the papers presented at our annual meetings will be of interest to you.

If you are looking for a special gift for a student or scholar, then a subscription to The Florida Anthropologist is your answer.

You do not have to be a Florida resident to join the Florida Anthropological Society. Your membership dues includes a subscription to the Society’s peer review journal The Florida Anthropologist, and the FAS newsletter. FAS is a non-profit organization founded in 1947.

The objectives of the Florida Anthropological Society are:

  • to provide a formal means by which individuals interested in anthropological and archaeological studies in the State of Florida and related areas may come together for mutual benefits;
  • to promote the continuing study of the peoples of Florida from ancient times to the present;
  • to establish and promulgate to its members and to the general public, rules of conduct, a code of ethics, and standards of quality to govern anthropological work;
  • to effect harmony and cooperation between the amateur and professional anthropologist and archaeologist so that the work of all will permanently enrich our knowledge of human history;
  • to bring to the attention of the general public and of appropriate governmental agencies the need for preservation of archaeological and historical sites within the State of Florida as well as for the recording of the ways of live of extant groups in Florida and related areas;
  • to disseminate information on anthropology and archaeology and in particular on the work of the Society members through periodic, regularly scheduled meetings of the Society, through a program of publications by the Society, and through such special events and other activities as the Society may consider proper to further its objectives;
  • to assist in establishing archaeological museums through contributions or gifts of materials or money;
  • to encourage the scientific collections, preservation, classification, study and publication of ethnological materials and archaeological remains; and
  • to initiate and maintain appropriate By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations in the best interests of all its members.

Membership is open to all interested individuals who are willing to abide by the FAS code of ethics featured on the link below.


Student* $20
Regular $40
Family $50
Institutional $50
Sustaining $100

*Student membership is open to graduate, undergraduate and high school students. A photocopy of your student ID must accompany payment.
Note: Add $25.00 for foreign addresses.

Memberships are for the calendar year.
Use the forms below to:

Please direct all membership inquiries to our Membership Secretary