Emerald Coast Archaeology Society
ECAS is a nonprofit Florida corporation that represents Okaloosa, Walton, and Bay counties.. We provide expertise, generally at no charge, to individuals, government agencies, and companies who have archaeological questions that would otherwise go unanswered. Our specialty is archaeological projects too small for universities and cultural resource management firms, or too immediate for them to respond. We try to do the archaeology that would otherwise not be done. For our members we have field trips, digs, labs, pottery making, pottery firing, and a monthly newsletter. We do demonstrations at events and schools.
Emerald Coast Archaeology Society
c/o Indian Temple Mound Museum
139 Miracle Strip Parkway SE
Fort Walton Beach , FL 32548
Meetings are typically held on the fourth Saturday of the month at 1:00pm at the Indian Temple Mound Museum. Contact us for program details.
President: Jess Palmer
Vice President: Pat Balanzategui
Secretary: Jean Lucas
Treasurer: John Vaughan
Member at Large: Kathy Tidwell